This is the adventure that I run on Tuesday evenings with a few friends from Houston. It started as a beginner-box adventure for Pathfinder 2e, and eventually developed into the Homebrew setting that we have today, which I have dubbed The Broken Sea

It is on a semi-permanent hiatus, and we’ve switched over to playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for the foreseeable.

A few starting points:

  • The ADVENTURING PARTYis currently unnamed, but consists of Krim, Tilk, Luca, and Buttercup (and her steed, Wesley).
  • The adventure started in the town of Otari and is branching out into several other regions.
  • We’re worldbuilding by committee and using roleplay and roles to establish the tenets of the universe. Idk if there’s an official word for this kind of worldbuilding, but it deserves further research.

14 items under this folder.